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Welcome to the Department of Education

Members of the department designing the Competence Based Teacher Education curriculum
2024 Department of Education Orientation Exercise
Dr. Ciriaka Gitonga, Dean School of Education & Social Sciences addressing students during the departmental orientation exercise.
2024 Department of Education Orientation Exercise
Dr. Peter Rugano, Chairman Department of Education, addressing students during the departmental orientation exercise.
2024 Department of Education Orientation Exercise
Dr. Timothy Bariu, Lecturer Department of Education, addressing students during the departmental orientation exercise.
The Department has been keen on providing motivation and career mentorship to schools that visit the University.
One of our fourth year B.Ed (Arts) students Mr. Alex Mwaura has emerged as a very good inspiration to other students. Here he shared some nuggets of wisdom with a visiting school.
The Department of Education facilitated a capacity building workshop for ECDE officers, ECDE teachers and ECDE parents that showcased modern approaches to early grade teaching and learning. The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Nelly Vele (standing, front row, right of Prof Kotut). Ms. Nelly is an accomplished Early grade teacher from the Agha Khan ECDE center.
One of the parents selected from among the staff members in the ECDE training workshop shares his experience with other participants on how communication about homework is done in his child’s school.
The Dean, Dr Ciriaka Gitonga making some remarks about the ECDE workshop facilitated by the Department of Education. The participants, including parents drawn from the University staff benefited from expertise of the ECDE officers and teachers as well as the immense experience of the facilitator Ms. Nelly Vele of the Agha Khan EDCE Center.
Ms Nelly Vele facilitating the ECDE workshop
Participants in some group activities in the ECDE workshop
DEB Kangaru Primary School Visit
A team of Staff from SESS made a fact finding mission to the DEB Kangaru Primary School with a view to establish ways that the two institutions can collaborate.
DEB Kangaru Primary School Visit
Dr. Zachary Njagi motivates pupils when he joined a team of Staff from SESS on a fact finding mission to the DEB Kangaru Primary School with a view to establish ways that the two institutions can collaborate.
Syracuse University at Embu: Group Photo of visiting professors and Students from Syracuse University
Members of the department pose with Syracuse University professors and students when they paid a curtesy call to the VC. The team came to do a study abroad program “Experiencing Rural and Urban Education in Kenya” at Ugweri Day School and at Kangaru School. You can view their experiences here (

  • Message from Dr. Peter Rugano

    Welcome to the website of the Department of Education at the University of Embu. The Department was established in 2019 following the merger of the Department of Educational Communication, Administration and Planning, and the Department of Educational Foundations and Psychology, which in turn were formed in 2017 from their predecessor, the Department of Education and Social Sciences. The Department of Education holds the development and success of our students as the essential reason for the work we are called to do at the University of Embu. The Department is thus committed to providing students with diverse learning experiences and supporting their professional growth and well-being. The Department’s vision is a leader in the development of competent and reflective practitioners in instructional and administrative leadership. The Department’s mission is to develop competent and reflective practitioners and scholars through rigorous teaching, innovative research, and responsive community service. To achieve this mission, the Department is committed to educational scholarship that emphasizes the integration of theory and practice, continual learning, competency development, innovation and collaboration. Read More

    Dr. Peter Rugano
    Chair, Department of Education

  • Department of Education Staff Profiles

  • Latest Publications from the Department

    • Saoke, V. O., Ndwiga, Z. N., Githaiga, P. W., Gitonga, C. M., Kubai, K. I., Nzomo, C. M., Mulonzi, B. M., & Ngicho, D. O. (2025). The Relationship Between Teachers ’ Planning and Content Delivery Using the Five- ­ Stage Lesson Plan Structure : An Analysis of Age , Gender , Experience and Academic Qualifications in Kenya. European Journal of Education60(1), 1–13.
    • Rugano, P., Masingila, J. O., Kamau, L. M., Makumba, P., & Omoze, H. (2025). Using video case studies to provide prospective secondary teachers in Kenya opportunities to notice and reflect on pedagogical practices. Teaching Education, 1-17.
    • Mugo, A. M., Nyaga, M. N., Ndwiga, Z. N., & Atitwa, E. B. (2024). Evaluating learning outcomes of Christian religious education learners: A comparison of constructive simulation and conventional methods. Heliyon, 10(11), Elsevier Publications e32632.
    • Juma, J. J., Nyaga, M., & Ndwiga, Z. N. (2022). Strategic planning in secondary schools in Rangwe sub-county, Kenya: Influence on student learning outcomes. Management in Education, 08920206221104635
    • Bibiana, R., Madrine, K., Eric, W., & Simon, T. (2020). Policy strategies for effective implementation of inclusive education in Kenya. International Journal Of Educational Administration And Policy Studies, 12(1), 28-42. doi: 10.5897/ijeaps2019.0622
    • Njiru, S. M., Nyaga, M. N. & Karuku, S. (2019). Effects of performance ranking in Mathematics on students’ and teachers’ identity development. International Journal of Secondary Education, 7(1), 17-28.
    • Njiru, M.N., Nyaga, M. N., Karuku, S.M. (2019). Effects of Performance in Mathematics on Students’ and Teachers’ Identity Development. International Journal of Secondary Education. Vol. 7, No 1,2019, pp17-28. Doi.10.11648/j.ijsedu.20190701.14
    • Nyaga, M. N. (2019). Teachers’ Selected Factors on Truancy among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research. 2019; 7(4):328-333. doi: 10.12691/education-7-4-5
    • Bibiana R., King’endo M., & Thuranira S., (2019). Practises of policy and Implementation of Inclusive Education: Effectiveness of guiding Principals in Schools in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, Contemporary Research Centre, Australia.

Bachelor’s Degrees

The Department offers the following Bachelor's Degree Click Here


The Department offers the following Postgraduate Courses Click Here