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Dr.  Ciriaka Gitonga wins a prestigious grant

Dr Ciriaka Gitonga recently won a prestigious Spencer research grant  to support her research that aims at optimizing parental empowerment and engagement  for pre-primary  children in Mbere North and Mbere south. The other partners in the research are Dr S. Karuku (DoE), Dr P. Rugano  (DoE) Dr. C. Asweto (SoN) and Jeremia Ireri (Director of Education, Embu County)
Recent studies have seen parental empowerment and engagement as a fundamental input in improving students learning outcomes. This study is critical because so far no one has clearly shown how parents can be empowered and engaged to support learning. The success of CBC is being threatened by lack of parental empowerment. There is every indication that this study will be a major input from the University  of Embu to the ongoing concerns in our national education system.