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  Dr. Milcah Njoki Nyaga Publications

Journal Publications

  1. Mugo, A. M., Nyaga, M. N., Ndwiga, Z. N., & Atitwa, E. B. (2024). Evaluating learning outcomes of Christian religious education learners: A comparison of constructive simulation and conventional methods. Heliyon, 10(11), Elsevier Publications e32632.
  2. Juma, J. J., Nyaga, M., & Ndwiga, Z. N. (2022). Strategic planning in secondary schools in Rangwe sub-county, Kenya: Influence on student learning outcomes. Management in Education, 08920206221104635
  3. Njiru, S. M., Karuku, S. & Nyaga, M. N. (2020). Performance ranking in school mathematics: A device that conceals and naturalizes inappropriate teaching strategies. Educational Research & Reviews, 15(8), 465-472.
  4. Nyagah, D. M., Ngunju, R. M., & Milcah Njoki Nyagah. (2020). Overview, statistics, clinical management and impact of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Kenya up to 20/05/2020. Research Journal in Medicine and Health Sciences , 1(1), 7-16. Retrieved from
  5. Njiru, M.N., Nyaga, M. N., Karuku, S.M. (2019). Effects of Performance in Mathematics on Students’ and Teachers’ Identity Development. International Journal of Secondary Education. Vol. 7, No 1,2019, pp17-28. Doi.10.11648/j.ijsedu.20190701.14
  6. Nyaga, M. N. (2019). Teachers’ Selected Factors on Truancy among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research. 2019; 7(4):328-333. doi: 10.12691/education-7-4-5
  7. Nyaga, M. N. (2018). Contributions of Selected Classroom Factors on Bullying Among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Vol. 6 Issue 9 ISSN 2321 - 9203
  8. Nyaga, M. N. (2017). Youth Radicalisation in Kenya University Perspective. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), vol. 22, no. 11, 2017, pp. 94-98.
  9. Nyaga, M. N., Muriithi, D. (2017). Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Primary Dysmenorrhea among Female University Students. Volume 5-Issue 1. International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research Volume 5-Issue 1 ISSN: 2347-1697
  10. Nyaga, M. N. , Mwai, Kimu. 2016. Contributions of Selected Family Factors to Drug Abuse Among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Manyatta Sub-county, Embu County, Kenya. Science Publishing Groups. DOI: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20160402.11 ISSN: 2329-0900 (Print); ISSN: 2329-0897 (Online)


  1. Milcah Nyaga & Samson Murithi Njiru, April 2023. Educational Assessment and Evaluation.
  2. Nyagah, D. M., Njagi, A., Nyaga M. N. (2020). Pharmaceutical Waste: Overview, Management, and Impact of Improper Disposal" ISBN 9798558928778 at Amazon online store at,Published: October14, 2020 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4088224

Pharmaceutical products are inevitable for human health. Owing to the growing need for pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical companies introduce drugs annually into the market in addition to the large collection of existing pharmaceutical products. Households, farms, health facilities and pharmaceutical industries release pharmaceutical waste into the environment at low concentrations through routine pharmaceutical use, damage and expiry. The effects of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) on non-target species in the environment are not known. Unwanted pharmaceuticals should be safely disposed at a reduced financial cost to mitigate public and environment health risk. Over the years, pharmaceuticals such as diclofenac and ibuprofen in trace amounts have been detected in public water systems, ground and surface water. Lack of general knowledge of how to dispose of unused pharmaceuticals leads to improper disposal resulting in accidental toxicity, rising healthcare costs, landfills pilfering / scavenging, water supply pollution, anti-microbial resistance and death. To mitigate such effects, pharmacists should raise public awareness about safe disposal practices. This review aims to examine the sources of pharmaceutical waste, disposal costs, secure disposal methods, the effects of inappropriate disposal and the role of pharmacists in the disposal. The information on the stated objectives was gathered from available sources through a comprehensive literature review. Many countries contain tons of pharmaceutical waste that are expensive to destroy. Because of improper disposal, pharmaceutical waste has been found at trace amounts in drinking and surface water. A practical, environmentally sustainable approach to pharmaceutical waste management, with policies and guidelines, as well as public awareness campaigns, are necessary to address the problem of safe waste disposal. The national drug regulatory bodies should conduct environmental risk assessment resulting from disposal of unwanted pharmaceuticals. Pharmacists should facilitate extensive training on sustainable drug use and proper pharmaceutical waste disposal at all levels to reduce the risks associated with improper disposal. Reduction of pharmaceutical waste generation at each step of a drugs lifecycle, implementing take-back options, collection at approved sites and modern technology to treat wastewater are highly recommended to reduce effects of unwanted pharmaceuticals on human health and environment.

2. Book Title: Mid-Life Challenges and Work Performance among Teachers in Kenya  (2018)

Middle-life is that period of life from approximately thirty-five years to approximately age sixty-five years. The teacher may experience challenges in menopause, climacteric, external and internal aging, health problems and marriage conflicts due to impotence, which affect the work performance. These problems have attributed to misunderstanding between the teacher and the school administration. ISBN-13: 978-620-2-31815-0

3. Book Title: Good choices Bright future. NEADS publications, Nairobi, 2014
Book Abstract
As a transitional period from childhood to adulthood, adolescence is a ‘period of temporary insanity’. This is a as a result of uncontrollable changes occurring in their bodies and minds. These uncontrollable changes can lead to distortion of interpretation in regard to what is happening in the real world. In addition, Guidance and counselling needs for adolescents fall under three categories: social, academic and career. It is against this background that this ‘Student Pocket Counsellor’ (SPC) strives to guide the ‘Adolescents’ in forming a solid Frame of Reference, which will aid them in making Good CHOICES, and which will eventually pave way for a Bright FUTURE. ISBN: 978-9966-074-37-9




  • Nyaga, M.N. (2015) Contributions of Selected Microsystems to Antisocial Behaviours among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Manyatta Sub- County, Embu County, Kenya - Kenyatta University. Read More
  • Nyaga, M.N. (2007).  Mid-Life Challenges and Work Performance among Secondary School Teachers- Manyatta Constituency, Kenya - Kenyatta University. Read More
  • Nyaga, M.N. (2003). Practicum Report on Study of Psychological Disorders in Department of Counselling and Psychiatry at Embu Provincial General Hospitals, Kenya – Kenyatta University


Presentation of Papers at Academic and Professional Conferences

  • Nyaga, M. N, (2019). Student-Teachers’ Acquisition of New Knowledge Teaching Practice Exercise.  A Case of University of Embu. Book of proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference held on 24th-26th April 2019 Machakos University, Kenya. Vol, 2,919-924
  • Nyaga, M. N. (2019). Supporting Green Growth and Knowledge Economy through Research, Innovation and Technology for Sustainable development held on 24th to 26th April 2019 at Machakos University Hotel and Conference Centre, Kenya.
  • Nyaga, M. N. (2018). Transformative Pedagogy for Sustainable Marketability of Graduates at 1st Annual International Conference on Decolonizing Education at University of Embu on July 6th -8th 2018.
  • Nyaga, M. N. (2018). Presentation: Connectedness of Cultural Dynamics and Mental Health KCPA 5th Annual Scientific Conference Multidimensional Approach To Mental Health Held At The Kenya Institute Of Curriculum Development (KICD) On June 14th and 15th, 2018. The theme of the conference: "Multidimensional Approach to Mental Health". Sub-Theme: “The Cultural Aspect of Mental Health”.
  • Nyaga, M. N. (2017). “Adolescent and Youth Radicalisation in Kenya” at the International Conference on Higher Education at Meru University of Science and Technology, main Campus, 4th-6th October, 2017
  • Nyaga, M. N. (2017). “The Role of Psychology on Corruption” at International Psychological Association Conference at YMCA, Nairobi Kenya, Wednesday 6th –Friday 8th November, 2019.
  • Nyaga, M. N. (2015). “Contributions of Selected Microsystems to Antisocial Behaviours among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Manyatta Sub- County, Embu County, Kenya” on 30th  Kenyatta University Postgraduate Seminar on Wednesday  1st  July 2015 at Kenyatta University.